Mendirman jalaluddin
In 615 Hijri (1266-67 AD) Genghis Khan conducted an expedition to the Islamic countries. He approached Anjar and deployed his three sons Bhurji Khan, Uktai Khan and Chugtai Khan to besiege Anjar. Then Alak sent Nuiya and Manankri Buka with one army towards Khozand and Nabakat and he himself set off towards Bukhara with his youngest son Tulikhan. On learning of this Mongol attack, Khawarizm Shah sent a large army of sixty thousand soldiers towards Anjar and an army of thirty thousand cavalry towards Bukhara. Then, deploying an army of two hundred and ten thousand soldiers for the defense of Samarkand and sixty thousand men for the repair of the bastions and forts, he himself left for Khurasan from Samarkand.
Khawarizm Shah reached Balkh from Samarkand and sent his family and wealth to Majendan. On reaching Balkh, he consulted with his emirs and captains about the strategy to be adopted against the Mongols. Khawarism Shah had seven sons. Meanwhile, the son named Jalaluddin saw his father in a state of fear and said: If you want to go to Iraq, you can leave the command of the army in my hands and go safely. If Allah wills, I shall attack the enemy and pitch my tent beyond the river Jain. Give me Mauroun Na and you handle only Iraq and Khurasan.
But Khawarizm Shah did not like his son. He left from Balkh towards Herat. Meanwhile news arrived that the Mongols had conquered Bukhara and killed the entire population there.
On hearing this news Khawarizm Shah became more depressed and left Herat for Nishapur. Meanwhile, Khawarizm Shah indulged in Abram-Aish in Nishapur. In the month of Safar 617 Hijri (May 1220 A.H.), a general of Genghis Khan crossed the river Zayun with thirty thousand soldiers. On hearing this news, Khawarizm Shah was greatly disturbed and sent his family and treasure to Karun fort and moved from independent Nishapur to Isfarain.
Finally Khawarizm Shah took refuge on an island. There the news reached him that the Mongols had conquered the fort of Qarun and had established their rights over all his treasure and family. Hearing this news, he was so sad and shocked that his life lamp went out due to that grief. He was buried in the clothes in which he died. No shroud was attached to his fate. The sons of Khawarizm Shah who were in charge of various provinces were killed by the Mongols. Only one son remains. His name was Jalaluddin. He was the more intelligent and valiant among his brothers.
During this period, the Mongols conquered Bukhara, Samarkand, etc. and were pouring blood all over Khurasan. Finally at the end of Rabiul Awal 617 AH (early June 1220 AD) Genghis Khan crossed the river Zain and carried out wholesale massacres at Balkh and Hira. When Khawarizm Shah’s family were captured and brought before Genghis Khan, the stone man showed no mercy even to women and children.
Just as Sultan Jalaluddin formed an army to fight Genghis Khan, some of the commanders of the army cheated and joined the Mongols. As a result Jalaluddin had only seven hundred people. To fight with them, Sultan Jalaluddin left for the coast of the Indus River. Genghis Khan also reached there with his great army.
Jalaluddin faced the Mongol forces leaving Sindhund in the background. The Mongols attacked Jalaluddin in a bow formation. In spite of this, Jalaluddin fought the Mongols with great valor and defeated them. When Sultan Jalaluddin pounced on the Mongols with great force, they retreated far.
But having a large force, they would come forward again and attack. It is true that Sultan Jalaluddin could not win this war due to his lack of manpower, but the image of his bravery, brilliance and adventure that was flashed in front of Genghis Khan’s eyes, I think he could never forget it. Jalaluddin Khawarism When only one hundred of these seven hundred brave warriors of Shah’s army remained, Jalaluddin took off his armor and threw it away and took his crown in his hand and let his horse escape into the river Indus.
Genghis Khan stood on the other bank and observed these things of Jalaluddin with an astonished heart. Once he summoned all his sons and captains who were there with him and said – I have never seen such a brave and daring person. His companions are also incomparable heroes like him. It is suitable for them to swim across such a huge river. If this person is alive, I am afraid that one day he will erase the name of Mongols from the world. Therefore, it must be thought about killing it. But for Genghis Khan, standing on the banks of the Indus River, it was enough to regret. It was not possible for him or his army to cross the river Indus. This is the event of 620 Hijri (1223 AD).
As the fame of Jalaluddin’s valor Bahaduri was then spread far and wide, no statesman out of jealousy extended a helping hand to Jalaluddin. In the end, he was forced to defeat the Mongols alone
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